Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Seventh Grade Science (11/26)

Monday: Ecosystems and Biomes p.42-47 notes, vocab and Section Assessment (hmwk) p.47 #1-3 use complete sentences.


Tuesday: Cycles of Matter: notes, vocab and Section Assessment (hmwk) p.53 #1-3 use complete sentences.

Wednesday: Biogeography: notes, vocab and Section Assessment (hmwk) p.57 1-3 use complete sentences.

Thursday: Biomes: notes, vocab and Section Assessment (hmwk) p.67 #1-3 use complete sentences.

Friday: Ecosystem Video

Chemistry (11/26)

Monday: Chemistry Review 7.2 and 7.3
Prepare chart for lab on p. 170

Tuesday: Lab p.170

Wednesday: conclude review of chapter 7

Thursday: Written expression of knowledge chapter 7
Hmwk: Read Chapter 8.1 Ionic Compounds Notes, Vocab, Section Review #1-5

Friday: Hmwk: Chapter 8.2 Notes, vocab and Section Review #12-17

Physical Science (11/26)

Monday: Behavior of Gases Review homework

Tuesday: 8.5 Uses of Fluids notes/vocab/Section Wrap Up
Homework:Review p.241 vocab and checking Concepts p. 242 use complete sentences

Wednesday: Homework: Understanding Concepts p.242 #11-15

Thursday: Developing Skills p.243 #21-23

Friday: Test on Chapter 8
Hmwk: 9.1 Composition of Matter- Notes, vocab, Section Review p. 250

fourth grade science(11/28)

Question of the Week: What is the life cycle of a plant?

Monday: Radish seeds in vaious ecosystem: Hands on activity

Tuesday: Leaf cutter ants

Wednesday: Ant Review

Thursday: Ant Test!!!

Friday: Health: More on Muscles and Bones

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Seventh Grade Science (week of 11/18)

Monday: Constellations/Brochures

Tuesday: Constellations/Brochures

Wednesday: Science World (closer look at the sun with 3-D glasses)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Fourth Grade Science (week of 11/18)

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What are the parts on an ants body?

Monday: Hands on activity: Life cycle of Plants "Monots and Dicots": bean, corn and pumpkin

Tuesday: Life cycles of plants, frogs, and insects

Wednesday: Grandparents Program


Physical Science/PhyChem (11/18)

Monday: States of Matter Book presentation

Tuesday: 8.3 Changes in State Review questions p.227.
Homework:Behavior of Gases Notes, Vocab, Section Review p.231 #1-3.

Wednesday: Review 8.3 No homework

Happy Thanksgiving!

Chemistry (week of 11/18)

Monday: Building a Periodic Table/Computer Lab
Hmwk: 7.2 Notes/Section Assessment p. 196 #1-6 (If you do not have 7.1 completed, please do so.)

Tuesday: Lab: Decriptive Chemistry of the Elements p.170
Hmwk: Complete lab report.

Wednesday: Review work from Sections 7.1 and 7.2
No Homework

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Seventh Grade Science (week of 11/12)

Monday: Chemistry begins Chapter 8: States of Matter 8.1 Hmwk: vocab/notes/section review #1-3. (p.220)
Project: Intro states of matter project and rubric.

Tuesday: Experiment/Section 8.2 Hmwk: vocab/notes/section review #1-2 (p223)

Wednesday: Parent Conferences

Thursday: Experiment/Section 8.3 Hmwk: vocab/notes/section review #1-4 (p227)

Friday: Section 8.4 Hmwk: vocab/notes/section review #1-3 (p.231)

Chemistry (week of 11/12)

Monday: Discussion of Napoleon's Buttons
Hmwk: Worksheets 6.1 and 6.2

Tuesday: Section 6.3
Hmwk: Worksheets 6.3/ section assessment #1-4

Wednesday: Parent Conferences

Thursday: Review for test

Friday: Test on chapter 6 today!
Homework 7.1 notes/section assessment #1-3

Fourth Grade Science (week of 11/12)

Question of the Week: How many ways do organisms use thier tongues?

Monday: Super Science mystery: the density of an orange Now on Tuesday!

Tuesday: Ants and their life cycle; life cycle of other organisms

Hmwk: Vocabulary worksheet

Wednesday: Parent Conferences

Thursday: Life needs of ants and other organisms
Hmwk: Ant worksheet

Friday: Health

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Chemistry (week of 11/5)

Monday: Development of the Periodic Table Hmwk: Assessment Ch.6.1 p.158 #1-4

Tuesday: Classification of the Elements 6.2 Hmwk: Assessment p.162 #10-13

Wednesday:Written Expression of Knowledge: Wavelength, Frequency, Speed and Energy (5.1)
de Broglie, Heisenberg, Schrodinger wave equation, etc.
Thursday: Questions

Friday: Written Expression of Knowledge: Electron Configurations (5.3)
aufbau, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund's rule, electron dot structures

Monday: Intro discussion on Napoleon's Buttons

Phychem/Physical Science (week of 11/5)

Monday: Begin Review for test...vocabulary review and multiple choice; complete concept map.
Hmwk: p. 585 #11-15

Tuesday: Hmwk: p. 285 #16-20

Wednesday: Study for test

Thursday: Test Ch.2o

Friday: Taking a closer look at a camera. Make a simple pinhole camera

Fourth Grade Science (week of 11/5)

Question of the Week: What is the life cycle of an ant? They should be able to give you a complete explanation by the end of the week!

Monday: Hands on experience---You are a geologist!
Diagram and date a group fossil find.

Tuesday: Learning about ants. (labeling, worksheet). Practice vocabulary handout.

Wednesday: Read A40-45. "How animals meet their needs" Complete review p.45.

Thursday: Life cycle of ants (frogs, ladybugs, etc.) Classroom stations 3 different life cycles. Create a life cycle diagram.

Friday: Health Continuing "What makes up an organism"