Sunday, January 27, 2008

Chemistry (week of 1/28-2/4)

Monday: review of mid-term; 10.3 #33,34 #38,39 #43

Tuesday: Ch.11 Mole lab p. 295 11.1 #1,4 hmwk #5-9.

Wednesday: quiz on ch.10 1.2 Measuring Matter p.316 #12a,13a,14a hmwk p.319 #15-19

Thursday: 11.3 Moles of Compounds p.321 #20; p.322 #25; p.323 #27; p.324 #30a p.326 #31a,b,c. hmwk p.327 #36-41.

Friday: lab 329 Hmwk 11.4 Empirical Molecular Formula p.331 #42; p.333 #46; p. 335#51

Physical Science/PhyChem (1/28-2/4)

Monday: Review mid-term /Begin Energy and Motion Ch.3 Science key words in journal p.64

Tuesday: 3.1 experience p.63 problems 66-67;review p.69

Wednesday: 3.2 key terms p,72;review p.77

Thursday: 3.3 key terms p. 78; review p.82

Friday: Science News-Periodical

Seventh Grade Science (week of 1/28-2/4)

Monday: Current Health/eyes

Tuesday: Computer/finish environmentalist

Wednesday: Weather Review work assigned during Shakespeare

Thursday: Weather Con't

Friday: Environmentalist presentation

4th Grade Science (1/29-2/4)

question of the week: What is a point of reference

Monday: Point of Reference with balloon rocket.

Tuesday: Motion pp.40-43 Homework Review F43.

Wednesday: WB 318, 319

Thursday: Forces pp46-53

Friday: WB 323, 324

All work not completed in class will be homework

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Chemistry (week of 1/14)

Monday: Chapter Nine practice sheets

Tuesday: Continue Chapter 1o Chemical Reactions

Wednesday: Chapter 1-3 Review for exam

Thursday: Chapter 4-6 Review for exam

Friday: Chapter 7-9 Review for exam

Exam will be Thursday of exam week 12-2

Physical Science/PhyChem (1/14)

Monday: Uncle Tungsten Chemical Symbols reading and worksheet.

Review and Study Guidance for the mid-term examination. Try to be in class each day for specific questions and practice.

Midterm exam Thursday of exam week....12-2

Good luck all!
Dr. B.

Seventh Grade Science - Shakespeare Drama Special

A weather assignment was given last week for the days of the Shakespeare Drama Special.
Please contact Dr. B with any questions.

Fourth Grade Science (week of 1/14)

Question of the week: What did you learn about forces and motion during the skating field trip?

Monday: Super Science

Tuesday: Graphing activites based on Super Science

Wednesday: Exploring forces and motion===vocabulary

Thursday: Forces and Motion
Homwork: Worksheet

Friday: Health===systems of the body

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ninth Grade---"PhyChem" (week of 1/7)

Monday: 11-2 Kinds of Bonds Con't/section Wrap up p.308
Chemical Risks at Home/Study Guide Sheet
Hmwk: Read/notes /Key terms:Formulas and Names of Compounds pp.314-320.

Tuesday: Become a Bond Breaker pp.310-311/Hand in Analyze and Apply
Formulas and Names of Compounds con't pp.314-320.
Hmwk: Section Review p.320

Wedesday: Review formulas and names of compounds

Thursday: Review chapter PP.321-323.

Friday: Exam on chapter 11.

Chemistry (week of 1/7)

Monday: Section: 9.4 Molecular Structure
Guided Learning Sheet

Tuesday: Section 9.5 Electronegativity
Guided Learning Sheet

Wednesday: hands on molecule building

Thursday: Chapter 1o Chemical Changes
Guided Learning Sheet

Friday: Test on chapter 9

Seventh Grade Science (week of 1/7)

Monday: Computer Lab/Famous Environmentalists (follow rubric)

Tuesday: Continue environmentalist project/Read and Take notes on Environmental Issues pp82-87. Define key terms.

Wednesday: Environmental Issues pp82-87 In class Section Assessment.

Thursday: Forest and Fisheries
(Hmwk)Read and Take notes pp. 89-93 Section Assessment.

Friday: Cookie Trees Hands On Activity.

4th Grade Science

Question of the week: What kind of clouds bring rain?

Monday: Bill Nye Video: Forces and Motion (Preparation for Tuesday's Skating learning experience field trip)

Tuesday: Continued preparation with Forces and Motion
Homework: weather work sheet

Wednesday: Return to tools used in weather forecasting
Homework: weather work sheet

Thursday: reviewing weather
Homework study for weather test---tomorrow

Friday: Weather Exam___Note this is a change from our usual Friday Health class

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Physical Science/PhyChem (1/02)

Wednesday: Why Atoms Combine 11.1 Section Review p.302 #1-3

Thursday: Kinds of Chemicals 11.2 Section Review p.308 #1-3

Friday: Become a Bond Breaker ___pp.310-1 experiment

Chemistry (week of 1/02)

Wednesday: Review of ionic and covalent bonding

Thursday: creating ionic or covalent compounds

Friday: Review naming of compounds

Seventh Grade Science (week of 1/2)

Wednesday: Reviewing biomes

Thursday: Con't review of biome

Friday: Biome Exam

Fourth Grade Science (week of 1/2)

Question of the Week: Did any of our seeds/plants survive the vacation?

Wednesday: Reviewing the atmosphere

Thursday: Clouds and weather

Friday: Traveling down the Digestive system