Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Seventh Grade Science Week of 4/29-5/5


Wednesday---Elephants: Earth's Birthday Project/teacher presentation

Thursday---Group assignments and preparation time

Friday---Begin group presentations (1 presentation)

Monday-2 presentations
Tuesday-2 presentations
Wednesday-2 presentations
Thursday-2 presentations
Friday---Conclusion and response to the project

Ninth Grade Science

Using the scientific method

Monday --- Practice writing and giving directions
Tuesday --- individual presentations
Wednesday -> Friday --- Working with scientific data displays

Chemistry (pm) Weeks of 4/29 and 5/5

This week we will be focusing on the Chemistry of Life. This is Chapter 24 in the text. This includes various activities included the guide learning sheets. This is tentative and may change as the weeks progress.

Tuesday Ch.24.1
Wednesday Ch.24.2
Thursday Ch.24.3
Friday Ch.24.4

Monday 24.5
Tuesday ---Translating the language of science
Wednesday ---using our translations of the language of science
Thursday and Friday --- The science of and experiments with polymers

Fourth Grade Science Week of 4/29

We are not having science class this week due to the standardized testing!
Looking ahead we will be finishing up with magnets and working on crystals.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Chem (week of 4/14)

Monday: 15.1 Study Guide/problems p.461 #1,2. assessment #7.

Tuesday: 15.2 Study Guide/problems p.463-466 #8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18

Wednesday: 15.2 con't p.468 problems 21, 22, 24, 26 assessment 31, 32

Thursday: mini-lab p.473 Freezing Point depression

Happy Spring Break!!!!!

Seventh Grade Science (week of 4/14)

Monday and Tuesday===COMPUTER TIME====

Complete "Fever" Learning Experience #2 or Health Magazine cover, bio, advertisement, letter to editor, or article.

Wednesday: Put Health Magazine together....Intro to elephant study

Thursday: Elephant study begins!

Happy Spring Break!!!!!

Physical Science (PhyChem) Week of 4/14

Monday: Science World (No test until the CTA printers work)

Tuesday: Maybe a Test today or Chapter 6.1 Vocab/notes/review

Wednesday: Chapter 6.2 Vocab/notes/review

Thursday: Chapter 6.3 Vocab/notes/review

Happy Spring Break!!!!

Fourth Grade (Week of 4/14)

Question of the Week: What was you favorite activitiy at Camp Willson?

Monday: Planting seeds for the CTA Sharing Garden/Magnets

Tuesday: More Magnets!

Wednesday: Even More Magnets!

Thursday: Model Seders

Happy Spring Break!!!!!