Sunday, March 29, 2009

AP Bio (week 3/30)

Monday: Quiz 28/29====Chapter 33 complete

Tuesday: Chapter 34

Wednesday: Chapter 35

Thursday: Chapter 36

Friday: Chapter 37

During Break: Complete the remaining chapters of the book!

Science 7 (weeks of 3/30)

Monday: Weather Project Presentations

Tuesday: Health with Nurse Cathy

Wednesday: Weather 1.3
Homework section assessment 1, 2

Thursday: Weather 1.4
Homework section assessment 1, 2

Friday: Weather video

Fifith Grade Science (weeks of 3/30)

Question of the Week:Who is the inventor you are researching?

Monday: complete inventor booklets

Tuesday: draw plans for inventions

Wednesday: physical and chemical changes/Buckel Down

Thursday: changes con't

Friday: invention convention or Buckel Down

Chem (weeks of 3/30)

Monday Chapter 11 ---Standarized Test Practice...p.351

Tuesday Chapter 12 Stoichiometry 12.1 in class 1,2,3
hmwk Section Assessment p.357

Wednesday Stoichiometric Calculations in class 9,11
hmwk, 10, 12,13

Thursday Section assessment p.363

Friday Baking soda stoichiometry experiment p.362

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Seventh Grade Science (week of 3/22)

Monday Weather Chapter 1.2 assessment question review in class

Tuesday Ch 1.3 hmwk assessment questions 1 and 2

Wednesday CH 1.4 hnwk assessment questions 1 and 2

Thurday Health Special with Nurse Cathy

Friday Science World Periodical

Chemistry (week of 3/22)

Monday: Chapter 11 con't---11.4 per cent composition

Tuesday: 11.5 Hydrates and composition of a substance

Wednesday: Chapter 11/Hydrate lab

Thursday: Chapter 11/ Gum Composition lab

Friday: Pop quiz!

Fifth Grade Science (3/22)

Question of the Week:
What is your idea for invention convention?

Monday: Complete SuperScience/Invention Convetion

Tuesday: Video/Discussion of George Washington Carver

Wednesday: Chemical Reactions---endothermic/exothermic

Thursday: Chemical Reactions con't

Friday: Computer Lab/investigating your scientist/booklet

AP Bio (week 3/22)

All week we will be monitoring our ongoing labs--This may need some attention during lunch especially after mating occurs!

Based on our progress we will discuss assessment tools for ongoing chapters.

Monday: Quiz 25-6
Tuesday: Fruit Fly Lab
Wednesday: Chapters 32-33
Thursday: Chapters 34-5
Friday:Chapter 36

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Science 7 (weeks of 3/16)

Monday: Finish Magazine evaluation
Tuesday: Weather p.54 Air Pressure and Wind (Buckle Down)
Wednesday: Weather p.57 Col and Warm Fronts (Buckle Down)
Thursday: Nurse Cathy Special
Friday: Weather Types of Clouds (Buckle Down)

Monday: Weather Maps (Buckel Down)
Tuesday-Wednesday: Special Weather projects- Computer Research
Thursday: Nurse Cathy Special
Friday: Weather Project con't

Fifth Grade Science (3/16)

Question of the Week: Explain your part in the Earth's Birthday Ranforest Project. Be sure to include the graph you made!

Monday: Invention Convention Ideas/process of invention
Tuesday: Invention Idea plans
Wednesday: Learning about inventors-George Washington Carver
Thursday: Inventor Booklets---Computer Research
Friday: Computer Research con't

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Chem (week of 3/10)

Monday: Moles: Lab How many moles of chalk does it take to write your name?
Wednesday: Molecules Ch.11.1 and 11.2
Thursday:Review Chapter 10 for Friday/con't Ch. 11.3
Friday: written expression of knowledge Ch.10

Science 7 (weeks of 3/10)

Monday:Presentation/Evaluation of Health Magazines
Wednesday: Weather Unit begins
Thursday: Nurse Cathy Special
Friday: Weather Unit

AP Bio (week 3/10)

Monday-transformation lab event
Wednesday-Chapter 30
Thursday-Chapter 31
Friday-Chapter 32

Next week
Monday:26-27 written expression of knowledge
Tuesday: Chapter 33
Wednesday: Blood Drive
Thursday: Fruit Fly Lab
Friday: Chapter 34

Fifth Grade Science (3/10)

Question of the week?
What is you topic for the Rainforest Presentation?

Monday-Wednesday-Thursday Presentations of information with graphs
student to answer questions about presentations.

Friday-Invention Convention---6 Fridays to come!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chemistry (week of 3/02)

Monday/Tueday: Double replacement reactions forming water, gases and precipitates

Wednesday: Review of all chemical reactions

Thursday: Test

Friday: Begin Chapter 10 on the Mole

Science 7 (weeks of 3/02)

Monday: Con't Health Magazine work continues in the computer lab.

Tuesday: Review and compile health magazines/make additions or necessary changes

Wednesday: final magazine production/review

Thursday: Beginning of Health Special with Nurse Cathy---6 weeks

Friday: present health magazines to class

AP Bio (week 3/02 and 3/09)

Monday: Chapter 27-28
Tuesday: Quiz 22-23 Debrief Chapter 29
Wednesday: Quiz 24-25 Debrief Chapter 30
Thursday: pBlu experiement and genetic tasting experiment begin
Friday: experiments con't

Monday: experiments/Chapter 31
Tuesday: Purim
Wednesday: Chapter 32
Thursday: Test 26-27
Friday: Chapter 33

AP Overnight is being planned for the week of March 17th---details will be forthcoming!

Fifth Grade Science (3/2-3/9)

These next 8 classes our fifth grade class will be using free materials provided by a national initiative, Earth's Birthday. Fifth grade curriculum for this year focuses on the habitat of the Rainforest. Students will present information, graph, and take notes on classmates presentations. The students selected individual or partner presentations. I will do a model lesson on Monday. The student preparation will begin on Tuesday and Wednesday. Presentations will be on Thursday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Monday: Dr. B presentation
Tuesday/Wednesday: Student presentation preparation
Thursday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: Student Presentations