Sunday, December 16, 2007

Physical Science/PhyChem (12/17)

Monday: Lab: 10.2 Candy Isomers
Hmwk: Lab Report

Tuesday: 10.4 The Periodic Table Notes/Vocab/Section Wrap Up p.291

Wednesday: Review for Test Key Science Words/Checking Concepts
HMWK: Understanding Concepts 11-13; Thinking Critically 16, 20

Thursday:In Class: #23 Interpreting Data,#24Concept Mapping p.295
Study for test

Friday: Chapter 10 Test

Seventh Grade Science (week of 12/17)

Monday: computers?Get Biome Powerpoint Ready to show tomorrow

Tuesday: Show Biome Powerpoint Presetnation

Wednesday: Open Book Chapter test

Thursday: Can we have behavior that permits showing "Finding Nemo"?

Friday: Nemo Con't

Fourth Grade Science (week of 12/17)

Question of the Week: How does the body send signals to the brain to respond to feeling a hot stove?

Monday: Hands on Activity "Sea Otter, Fish, Kelp Food Chain" (Science Scope)

Tuesday: Layers of the Atmosphere Project...Section Review/worksheet

Wenesday: Complete Layers of the Atmosphere Project; begin Atmosphere and Weather Read Vocab (in Notebook); section Review/workbook sheet

Thursday: Atmosphere and Weather con't

Friday: Digestive System

Chemhemistry (week of 12/17)

Monday: Napoleon's Buttons Presentations (pm)
Ionic Compound Lab (am)

Tuesday: Napoleon;s Button Presentations (am/pm)Con't

Wednesday-Friday: Inconvenient Truth video and discussion

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Chemistry (week of 12/10)

Monday: Heat Treatment of Steel Lad

Tuesday: Making Ionic Cmpounds Lab
Study for exam.

Wednesday: Written expression of knowledge
Hmwk: 9.1 p.247 #6->12

Thursday: Covalent Bonds
Hmwk 9.2 p.251 #23-> 29

Friday: Molecular Structures
Hmwk: 9.3 p.258 #42->48.

Monday/Tuesday: Napoleon's Buttons Presentations

Physical Science/PhyChem (12/10)

Monday: Review for test
Hmwk:p.266 #17 and 20 p.267 #23 and 24

Tuesday: Review for test
Hmwk: Study for exam

Wednesday: Chapter 9 Test

Thursday: Vocab/Notes/Section wrap-up 10.1

Friday:Vocab/Notes/Section wrap-up 10.2

Seventh Grade Science (week of 12/10)

Monday: Computer work on Biome Project

Tuesday: Complete Biome Project

Wednesday: Biome PPT Presentations/worksheets
Study material for Biome Jeopardy

Thursday: Complete PPT Presentations/worksheet
Study material for Biome Jeopardy

Friday: Biome Jeopardy

Fourth Grade (Week of 12/10)

Question of the Week: Describe the role of arteries and veins in the circulatory system.

Monday: Hands on Activity Animal Bonds (Sea Otter Food Chain)

Tuesday: Atmospheric Layers - Complete Graphic Organizer

Wednesday: Air and Weather (Hmwk: dependent on classwork)

Thursday: Clouds and Weather (Hmwk: dependent on classwork)

Friday: Health: Nervous and Digestive Stystem Overview

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Ninth Grade---"PhyChem" (week of 12/03)

Monday: Drumming Assembly

Tuesday: Section 9.1 in class---Hmwk prep lab p.251

Wednesday: Lab p.251 Colloids
Hmwk: Vocab/Notes/ Review p.253 #1-3

Thursday: 9.3 Describing Matter
Hmwk: Vocab/Notes/Review p. 261 #1-4

Friday: Channukah Celelebration

Seventh Grade Science (week of 12/03)

Monday: Biomes in textbook and poster/power point project

Tuesday: Computer lab/ Biome power point project

Wednesday: Biomes

Thursday: Biomes

Friday: Health: Acne: Fact or Fiction, Wired Nation, Dance Revolution with guided work sheet.

Chemistry (week of 12/03)

Homework each night will be section guided study sheets.

Lab preparations will be completed before each lab experience.

Sulfur labs will be conducted as time permits.

Monday: 8.2 formation of ionic bonds p.220; 312->17

Tuesday: 8.3 names and formulae for ionic compounds p. 227.

Wednesday: 8.4 Metallic bond formation p.231

Thursday: Heat Treatment of Steel Lab p.230

Friday: Channukah Celebration

Fourth Grade (Week of 12/3)

Question of the Week: How does the skeletal system help the body?

Monday: Drummers Assembly

Tuesday: Earth's Atmosphere pp. D-6->D-9
Hmwk: Review p.9

Wednesday: Air and Weather pp. 12->17
Hmwk: Review p. 17

Thursday: Weather Prediction D-20->23
Hmwk: Review p.23

Friday: Health: Respiratory System

Note: There will be an extra credit sheet in the Friday packet each week.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Seventh Grade Science (11/26)

Monday: Ecosystems and Biomes p.42-47 notes, vocab and Section Assessment (hmwk) p.47 #1-3 use complete sentences.


Tuesday: Cycles of Matter: notes, vocab and Section Assessment (hmwk) p.53 #1-3 use complete sentences.

Wednesday: Biogeography: notes, vocab and Section Assessment (hmwk) p.57 1-3 use complete sentences.

Thursday: Biomes: notes, vocab and Section Assessment (hmwk) p.67 #1-3 use complete sentences.

Friday: Ecosystem Video

Chemistry (11/26)

Monday: Chemistry Review 7.2 and 7.3
Prepare chart for lab on p. 170

Tuesday: Lab p.170

Wednesday: conclude review of chapter 7

Thursday: Written expression of knowledge chapter 7
Hmwk: Read Chapter 8.1 Ionic Compounds Notes, Vocab, Section Review #1-5

Friday: Hmwk: Chapter 8.2 Notes, vocab and Section Review #12-17

Physical Science (11/26)

Monday: Behavior of Gases Review homework

Tuesday: 8.5 Uses of Fluids notes/vocab/Section Wrap Up
Homework:Review p.241 vocab and checking Concepts p. 242 use complete sentences

Wednesday: Homework: Understanding Concepts p.242 #11-15

Thursday: Developing Skills p.243 #21-23

Friday: Test on Chapter 8
Hmwk: 9.1 Composition of Matter- Notes, vocab, Section Review p. 250

fourth grade science(11/28)

Question of the Week: What is the life cycle of a plant?

Monday: Radish seeds in vaious ecosystem: Hands on activity

Tuesday: Leaf cutter ants

Wednesday: Ant Review

Thursday: Ant Test!!!

Friday: Health: More on Muscles and Bones

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Seventh Grade Science (week of 11/18)

Monday: Constellations/Brochures

Tuesday: Constellations/Brochures

Wednesday: Science World (closer look at the sun with 3-D glasses)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Fourth Grade Science (week of 11/18)

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What are the parts on an ants body?

Monday: Hands on activity: Life cycle of Plants "Monots and Dicots": bean, corn and pumpkin

Tuesday: Life cycles of plants, frogs, and insects

Wednesday: Grandparents Program


Physical Science/PhyChem (11/18)

Monday: States of Matter Book presentation

Tuesday: 8.3 Changes in State Review questions p.227.
Homework:Behavior of Gases Notes, Vocab, Section Review p.231 #1-3.

Wednesday: Review 8.3 No homework

Happy Thanksgiving!

Chemistry (week of 11/18)

Monday: Building a Periodic Table/Computer Lab
Hmwk: 7.2 Notes/Section Assessment p. 196 #1-6 (If you do not have 7.1 completed, please do so.)

Tuesday: Lab: Decriptive Chemistry of the Elements p.170
Hmwk: Complete lab report.

Wednesday: Review work from Sections 7.1 and 7.2
No Homework

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Seventh Grade Science (week of 11/12)

Monday: Chemistry begins Chapter 8: States of Matter 8.1 Hmwk: vocab/notes/section review #1-3. (p.220)
Project: Intro states of matter project and rubric.

Tuesday: Experiment/Section 8.2 Hmwk: vocab/notes/section review #1-2 (p223)

Wednesday: Parent Conferences

Thursday: Experiment/Section 8.3 Hmwk: vocab/notes/section review #1-4 (p227)

Friday: Section 8.4 Hmwk: vocab/notes/section review #1-3 (p.231)

Chemistry (week of 11/12)

Monday: Discussion of Napoleon's Buttons
Hmwk: Worksheets 6.1 and 6.2

Tuesday: Section 6.3
Hmwk: Worksheets 6.3/ section assessment #1-4

Wednesday: Parent Conferences

Thursday: Review for test

Friday: Test on chapter 6 today!
Homework 7.1 notes/section assessment #1-3

Fourth Grade Science (week of 11/12)

Question of the Week: How many ways do organisms use thier tongues?

Monday: Super Science mystery: the density of an orange Now on Tuesday!

Tuesday: Ants and their life cycle; life cycle of other organisms

Hmwk: Vocabulary worksheet

Wednesday: Parent Conferences

Thursday: Life needs of ants and other organisms
Hmwk: Ant worksheet

Friday: Health

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Chemistry (week of 11/5)

Monday: Development of the Periodic Table Hmwk: Assessment Ch.6.1 p.158 #1-4

Tuesday: Classification of the Elements 6.2 Hmwk: Assessment p.162 #10-13

Wednesday:Written Expression of Knowledge: Wavelength, Frequency, Speed and Energy (5.1)
de Broglie, Heisenberg, Schrodinger wave equation, etc.
Thursday: Questions

Friday: Written Expression of Knowledge: Electron Configurations (5.3)
aufbau, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund's rule, electron dot structures

Monday: Intro discussion on Napoleon's Buttons

Phychem/Physical Science (week of 11/5)

Monday: Begin Review for test...vocabulary review and multiple choice; complete concept map.
Hmwk: p. 585 #11-15

Tuesday: Hmwk: p. 285 #16-20

Wednesday: Study for test

Thursday: Test Ch.2o

Friday: Taking a closer look at a camera. Make a simple pinhole camera

Fourth Grade Science (week of 11/5)

Question of the Week: What is the life cycle of an ant? They should be able to give you a complete explanation by the end of the week!

Monday: Hands on experience---You are a geologist!
Diagram and date a group fossil find.

Tuesday: Learning about ants. (labeling, worksheet). Practice vocabulary handout.

Wednesday: Read A40-45. "How animals meet their needs" Complete review p.45.

Thursday: Life cycle of ants (frogs, ladybugs, etc.) Classroom stations 3 different life cycles. Create a life cycle diagram.

Friday: Health Continuing "What makes up an organism"

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Seventh Grade Science (week of 10/29)

Monday: Health: Muscle Dissection====Start studying for science test!

Tuesday: Computers==== Study for science test!!!!!!

Wednesday: Science Test!

Thursday: Space---Cosi field trip prep!

Friday: Spacial Relations.

Physical Science/PhyChem (10/29)

Monday: Optics of Lenses p.565-567 Hmwk p.567 Review #1-3.

Tuesday:Optical instruments p568-571 Hmwk p.571 Review #1-3.

Wednesday: Applications of light Hmwk P,579 Review #1-3.

Thursday: Review p.584 #1-10. Hmwk "Checking Concepts" p.584 (Use complete sentences).

Friday: " Understanding Concepts" #11 and 12, Hmwk: "Thinking Critically" #16, 22, 25.

Chemistry (week of 10/29)

Monday: Lab p.125

Tuesday: 5.2 Quantum Theory of Atoms p.134 #13-#15.

Wednesday: 5.3 Electron Configuration pp135-139 #18-22

Thursday: Electron Dot Structure p.140 #23

Friday: p.141 #24-28

Fourth Grade (Week of 10/29)

Question of the Week: What is the new, living addition to our classroom?

Please Note: The test is now scheduled for Thursday. Our classroom addition preempted some of our review time!

Monday: Hands On===Build an Ant

Tuesday: Review for test

Wednesday: Review for test===please study tonight for the test tomorrow

Thursday: Test

Friday: Health-cells

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Seventh Grade Science (week of 10/22)

Monday: Health Muscles

Tuesday: Computer Lab: Description of a symbiotic relationship/Mutualism, Commensalism, Parastism with resource and photo (8 X 11 sheet)

Wednesday: Changes in Communities/ notes and section assessment p.35

Thursday: wkbk review

Friday_Tuesday: Review for test on Tuesday p.37-39

Fourth Grade (Week of 10/22)

On Monday (Hands On Activity) we made fossils. Ask you child about the fossil mold (a frog impression in play dough) and the cast (plaster of paris).

Monday: In preparation for Friday's Health lesson, Looking at Cells. "Bending Light" and "Baggie Microscopes"

Tuesday: Formation of Coal booklet/Hmwk: Types of Coal (compare and contrast sheet)

Wednesday: Petroleum and Natural Gas c56/Summary and Review. Hmwk P.62#1-11 Write complete sentences.

Thursday: Begin review for test on Tuesday! (pp.62-63)

Friday: Cells in the Body and "Looking at Cells" (onion and muscle cells)

Physical Science/PhyChem (10/22)

Monday: Uncle Tungsten review "Light for the Masses" Begin Ch.20 p. 557 "The optics of mirrors " Notes/Science vocab definitions Hmwk: P.562 #1-3

Tuesday: video Lenses and Mirrors/worksheet

Wednesday: Lab Reflection of reflections p.563

Thursday: Review of the eye

Friday: "The optics of lenses" Notes/science vocab definitions p.565

Chemistry (week of 10/22)

Monday: Review of chapter 4/Modeling Isotopes lab/finishing other activities

Tuesday: Chapter 4: written expression of knowledge; begin Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms Hmwk: calculating wavelength p.121 #1, 3, 4.

Wednesday: Particle nature of light Hmwk P.124 #5-6. Emission Spectra Mini lab p.125

Thursday: Napoleon's Buttons: Introduction/concept sheet

Friday: Section Assessment: p.126 #7-12.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

7th Grade Science (week of 10/15)

Monday: Health: Joints

Tuesday: Computer: Comparing other planets in the solar system to Earth

Wednesday: Science and Society: White-tailed Deer

Thursday: Interaction among Living Things (p.24-28) Hmwk p.27

Friday: Interaction con't. Discussion and Review p.31 #1-3 all sections

4th Grade Science

Question of the week: How many body systems can you name?

Monday: Lab experience: Reconstructing stories with cartoons; Making Fossils.

Tuesday: Fossils Clues to the Past pp42-49 Hmwk: p.49 #1-3

Wednesday:Workboook pages 151 (Meaning from Context) and 152 (Fossil Clues to the Past)

Thursday: How Fossil Fuels Form pp. 52-57 Hwmk p. 57 #1-5(due Monday)

Friday: Health: Cells build the body.

Phy Chem - 9th Grade (10/15)

Monday: Dissection of Cow's Eye : Let us conduct our selves with respect during this lab!

Tuesday: Review for the test tomorrow

++++Please Note Change: Written Expression of Knowledge now on Thursday!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday: Written Expression Of Knowledge = Test; After examine begin reading Uncle Tungsten Introduction. Discussion on Monday


Chapter 20 Lenses (with reference to the lens from the cow eye) p.564-567
Hmwk p.567 #1-3

Friday: Mirror and Lenses video and worksheet

Chemistry (week of 10/15)

Our approach to this chapter will be hands on in the lab with a variety of experiences. You will be reading and responding to the sections on worksheets each evening. This approach fits the nature of the chapter. You should take notes as needed while you read! Especially any vocab that is new to you.

Monday: Introduction of Napoleon's Buttons Due: Friday
Worksheets for 4.1 and 4.2

Tuesday: 4.3 How atoms differ Hmwk #15-16

Wednesday: Isotope Lab p.102 Hmwk: Lab Analysis

Thursday: Radioactive Decay Hmwk: 107 #24, 25, 27

Friday: Discussion Napoleon's Buttons Introduction

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Chemistry (week of 10/9)

Monday: Law of Definite Proportions p.83 #66-68

Tuesday: Law of Multiple Proportions p.83 #69; hmwk study for test

Wednesday: Test Chapter 3; Begin fun with periodic table

Thursday: Periodic Table; hmwk outline early theories of matter (pp.87-90)

Friday: Chapter 4 How atoms differ 4.3 atomic number (#60, 64, 65)/atomic mass (#66-68)

Physical Science (PhyChem)

Monday: Review of light/color p.541 #1-3

Tuesday: Eye Care and Vision video with worksheet

Wednesday: Bulbs pp.544-5 Hmwk #1-2

Thursday: Wave property of light pp.546-550; hmwk #1-3

Friday: Begin review in class vocab and concepts hmwk p554 #11-15/

Exam coming on Tuesday !!!! STUDY NOW

Seventh Grade Science (week of 10/9)

Monday: Health Skeletal System; hmwk WBpp13-16 (due Wednesday)

Tuesday: Computer Lab/Acid Rain information

Wednesday: Environmental Study/ Sediments
Hmwk: Complete chart on environmental information about the study

Thursday: Sediments con't

Friday: Sediments con't

Fourth Grade (Week of 10/9)

Question of the Week: What is in our 2 liter soda bottles? What happens to it when we shake it up?

Monday: Soda bottle experiment/worksheet
What can we learn from fossils

Tuesday: What can we learn form fossils pp C42-49
Hmwk p.39 #1-5.

Wednesday: In class WB 145, 150
How do fossils form? Read pp C52-57

Thursday: In class worksheet (quiz grade) WB 157

Friday: Health

Friday, September 28, 2007

ALL Classes (week of 10/1-3)

No homework!

Enjoy your Succot Celebrations!!!!!


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Chemistry (Week of 9/24)

Monday: Properties of Matter p.60 #3 in class
HMWK: define vocabulary p.55; p.60 #1, #2, #5

Tuesday: Changes in Matter; Law of conservation of mass p.65 #6.8
HMWK: #12. #13

Wednesday: Mixtures, separating colors lab
PM: No School

Thursday: No School

Friday: No School

Seventh Grade Science (week of 9/24)

Remember digestive system projects are due on Tuesday!
Refer to the grading rubric as you review your work.
The T-shirt should actually be a T-shirt.
The game should include all components of the game: board, cards, pieces, etc.
The book should include a cover, illustrations, and correct information.

Monday: Food and Energy
Create chart with the 6 important nutrient sources.

Tuesday: Present Projects

Wednesday: No School

Thursday: No School

Friday: No School

PhyChem (week of 9/24)

For the written expression:
Remember to study the answers to your 11 questions.
Prepare the yellow stickie note card with any information needed. You may us the front and back.

Monday: Test on Ch.18
HMWK: Define the vocabulary on p.528

Tuesday: Chapter 19 Light
HMWK: Make notes as neede on Section 1, Review p.535 #1 and #2.

Wednesday: Chart kinds of electromagnetic radiation and uses. Prisms/ROY G BIV

Thursday: No School

Friday: No School

Fourth Grade Science (week of 9/24)

Question of the Week?
Ask your child, " How did you use the color explosion paper in class?" Hint: The answer should include something about the layers of the earth or volcanoes.

Monday: Complete centers
HMWK: p. C30 #1-#14 write in complete sentences

Tuesday: In Class for a quiz grade: Wkbk p; 140

Wednesday: What are fossils p.36-39

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Chemistry (week of 9/16)

Monday: Prepare for test and pre-lab prep for Wednesday p.46.

Tuesday: Test Tomorrow chapters 1 and 2

Wednesday: Measurement worksheets---hand in for a grade

Thursday: No Homework

Friday: No School

Fourth Grade Science (week of 9/17)

???Question of the Week??? How do volcanoes form?

We will be having Centers on Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday.

Tuesday and Wednesday Homework will be turned in fore a grade.

Monday: How Do volcanoes Form Review P.25

Tuesday: WkBk P.139 How do volcanoes form?

Wednesday: Concept Map p.C30 Copy and Complete.

Thursday: No Homework

Friday: No School

Seventh Grade Science (week of 9/17)

Be sure to consider the choices and make your decision about your "Digestive System Project"

Monday: In class p.64 graph---hand in for grade.
Hmwk: Notes and vocab for Final Digestion and Absorption

Tuesday: Hmwk: p.74 Section Assessment 11-17.

Wednesday: Hmwk: p.74 #24-27 ---Hand in for a grade.

Thursday: Begin Performance Assessment: T-shirt, game or book for younger student on the digestive system...Rubric will be given out in/discussed in class.

Friday: No School

PhyChem (week of 9/17)


If you are absent PLEASE make up your missed classwork !
Many students were absent on Wednesday.


Monday: p.534 Understanding Concepts #11, #12, #15---YOU WILL BE HANDING THESE IN FOR A GRADE!

Tuesday: P.524 Thinking Critically #16 write out formula and show work!, #17, #18. YOU WILL BE HANDING THESE IN FOR A GRADE!

Wednesday: P.524 Developing Skills p. 525 #23, #24 YOU WILL BE HANDING THESE IN FOR A GRADE!

Thursday: Wave Posters will be made in class. P.525 Performance Assessment #1

Friday: No School


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Fourth Grade (Week of 9/10)

Earth's Layers

Monday: Homework p.129
Class Center: Chapter organizer and WB 128 Compare and Contrast

Tuesday: Earthquakes C14-5 Highlighted Vocab p.C14 in notebook.
Class Center: WB 133 Cause and Effect

Wednesday: Demonstration Earthquakes WB 130
Class Center: WB 132 Observe and Infer

Thursday: No School A Joyous New Year to you and your families!!!

Friday: No School

Ninth Grade---"PhyChem" (week of 9/10)

Wave study con't

Monday: Discuss the review p.512
Hmwk: Read/Take notes on 18.3 (p.514-515) Answer review #1 and #2
Read Frequency of Sound Waves Lab

Tuesday: Frequency of Sound Wave Lab in class
Hmwk: Read/Take Notes p.516-521 (Be sure to include the vocabulary in bold on p.516.)

Wednesday: Music to your ears Review p.521 #1->#4.

Thursday: A joyous New Year to you and your Families!!! No School

Friday: No School

Seventh Grade Science (week of 9/10)

This short week of school, we will be working on Health and Health Issues with Current Health periodical.

Monday: Current Health: Gut Feeling-"The Digestive System"

Tuesday: Current Health, Continued

Wednesday: Noon Dismissal Joyous New Year to you and your family !!!

Thursday: No School

Friday: No School

Chem (week of 9/10)

Sorry Folks---the promised quiz on Tuesday will not be happening this week due to the 9/11 assembly. Morning class, we will meet as usual and work on "sig figs".

Monday: Accuracy and Precision (#29 and #30) Reviewing previous homework.
Homework : Read the rules for "sig figs". Make notes as needed.

Tuesday: Morning Class: "Sig Figs" #34-36 b and c.
Afternoon class: 9/11 assembly/
Wednesday: Morning Class: Con't "Sig Figs" p.40-42.
Noon Dismissal
Thursday: Joyous New Year to you and your families !!!!
No School
Friday: No school

Monday, September 3, 2007

Chemistry (week of 9/4)

Chapter 2: Data Analysis

Monday: No School Labor Day!!!

Tuesday: Ch. 2-1 Units of Measurements Hmwk p.30 # 5, 6, 10

Wednesday: Ch. 2-2 Scientific Notation Hmwk p.35 #22, 27, 28

Thursday: Ch. 2-3 Reliability Hmwk p. 42 #39, 40, 43

Friday: Ch. 2-4 Representing Data Hmwk p.45 #47, 48, 49

Seventh Grade Science (week of 9/4)

Topic: Grey Area Environmental Study

Monday: No School Labor Day!!

Tuesday: Con't Safety Discussion
Study Acidity in the Grey Area

Wednesday: Acidity study con't

Thursday: Acidity study con't

Friday: Health Current Health (Periodical)

Physical Science

Chapter 18

Monday: No school Labor Day!!!!

Tuesday: Wave mathematics: p. 501 Hmwk: Vocab defintions p.498 in notebook.

Wednesday: The nature of sounds Hmwk: Read/outline (including vocab)p. 502-512. p.512 #1-4.

Thursday: Technology and Sound Hmwk. Vocab p.516

Friday: Music and Sound p.521 #1-4.

4th Grade Science

Question of the Week? What kind and color of creature are you " growing " in the science lab?

Monday: NO School Labor Day :>)!!!!

Tuesday: Layers of the Earth Apple lab with measurements

Wednesday: Earth's Layers Hmwk: p. C-11; # 1-5

Thursday: Earthquakes Hmwk: p. C-17; #1-5

Friday: Health---Looking at our skin

Sunday, August 26, 2007

7th grade science (week of 8/26)

Monday: Setting up the Environmental Mystery.
Hmwk: Read pp.6-10.
Take notes to define: habitat, identify biotic factors, identify abiotic factors, list the levels of organization, define ecosystems.

Tuesday: Environmental mystery/review of hmwk.
Hmwk: p.10 1-3.

Wednesday: Environmental mystery.
Hmwk: dependent on classwork.

Thursday: Environmental mystery.
Hmwk: dependent on classwork.

Friday: Health (Every Friday, we will have Health.)

Physical Science (week 8/26)

Reminder: Begin to gather information and supplies for your pinhole camera. You will need at the minimum a paper tube (like paper towel or toilet paper tube), and a tall tissue box (minus the tissues. By the way, we can used the tissues in class!

Monday: Looking at our clasroom data for water absorption. Presentation of data
Hmwk: Was this an experiment? What is the scientific method? (Check out your book
pp.20-25.) Answer yes or no, and back up your answer with facts. Use complete
sentences. Place this in your notebook. Exploring in the lab. pp. 20-25 Answer 1 and 2

Tuesday: Discussion of homework. Safety in the lab (p.731). Read Experiment on pp. 26-27.
Design an experiment. Be prepared to share it with the class.

Wednesday: Discuss your own experimental design with your team ( pp.26-27). Conduct an
experiment. Assemble your question, test it, and then answer questions
"Analyze and Apply" 1, 2, 3.

Thursday: Chapter 18 Waves and Sound : Explore Activity p. 497.
Charcteristics of Waves (notetaking).

Friday: Calculating the velocity of waves (p. 501).
Hmwk: Section Wrap up (p. 504: 1, 2, 3, 4).

Chemistry (Week of 8/27)

This week we began our scientific investigations.
This week we are going to complete three areas in the introduction to Chemistry.

Monday: Reviewing CFC's and the ozone layer.
If you did not read this section, do so tonight. Then complete the sheet you are given in class.
Hmwk: Read 7-9. Answer questions 7, 8, 10. Yes, on paper and in your notebook.

Tuesday: Chemistry and Matter
Hmwk:Think about your work in class with the crystal-like objects...was that an
Using the steps in the scientific method, answer yes or no and defend your answer.
Yes, use complete sentences.

Wednesday: Scientific Method
Dr. B's "Gusher Experiment" or is it?
Hmwk: p.13, #12, 14, and 16.

Thursday: Mini lab: Developing Observation Skills p.15
Hmwk:Read/Sign Safety Contract (you and parent)

Friday: Safety in the lab...yes, this means the egg demonstration.
Shabbot Shalom

4th grade science (week of 8/26)


Science is off to a good start in grade 4.

We are getting to know more each other and the wonderful world of science.

>>>Ask your child about Dr.B's magic trick.
This week we will be taking measurements (volume and mass) and watching for changes in an alligator that is supposed to grow 600 times its orginal size...time will tell!

Monday: Measurements in science with the alligator.

Tuesday: More measurements in science with the alligator.

Wednesday: Beginning Earth Science: Earth's Surface.
Earthquakes and Volcanoes Lesson 1 What are the layers of the earth?
Hmwk: Vocabulary Review 1, 2, 3.

Thursday: Con't yesterday's lesson.
Hmwk: possible worksheet depending on classwork.

Friday: Introduction to Health (Every Friday we will have Health.)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

4th Grade Science

Hi !

I am looking forward to meeting you.

We are going to be taking a closer look at the science around us this year.

See you soon,


Seventh Grade

Welcome to the junior high!

I look forward to a great new year at CTA.

Our minds are on science at Torah Academy....

See you soon,

Dr. B

Physical Science

Welcome to the beginning of a great new year at CTA!

See you soon,

Dr. B


Welcome to a new year at CTA!

I am looking forward to working with you. For many of you, this year will be a reunion with me.

Remember: Our minds are on science at the Torah Academy....

See you soon,

Dr. B.