Friday, September 28, 2007

ALL Classes (week of 10/1-3)

No homework!

Enjoy your Succot Celebrations!!!!!


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Chemistry (Week of 9/24)

Monday: Properties of Matter p.60 #3 in class
HMWK: define vocabulary p.55; p.60 #1, #2, #5

Tuesday: Changes in Matter; Law of conservation of mass p.65 #6.8
HMWK: #12. #13

Wednesday: Mixtures, separating colors lab
PM: No School

Thursday: No School

Friday: No School

Seventh Grade Science (week of 9/24)

Remember digestive system projects are due on Tuesday!
Refer to the grading rubric as you review your work.
The T-shirt should actually be a T-shirt.
The game should include all components of the game: board, cards, pieces, etc.
The book should include a cover, illustrations, and correct information.

Monday: Food and Energy
Create chart with the 6 important nutrient sources.

Tuesday: Present Projects

Wednesday: No School

Thursday: No School

Friday: No School

PhyChem (week of 9/24)

For the written expression:
Remember to study the answers to your 11 questions.
Prepare the yellow stickie note card with any information needed. You may us the front and back.

Monday: Test on Ch.18
HMWK: Define the vocabulary on p.528

Tuesday: Chapter 19 Light
HMWK: Make notes as neede on Section 1, Review p.535 #1 and #2.

Wednesday: Chart kinds of electromagnetic radiation and uses. Prisms/ROY G BIV

Thursday: No School

Friday: No School

Fourth Grade Science (week of 9/24)

Question of the Week?
Ask your child, " How did you use the color explosion paper in class?" Hint: The answer should include something about the layers of the earth or volcanoes.

Monday: Complete centers
HMWK: p. C30 #1-#14 write in complete sentences

Tuesday: In Class for a quiz grade: Wkbk p; 140

Wednesday: What are fossils p.36-39

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Chemistry (week of 9/16)

Monday: Prepare for test and pre-lab prep for Wednesday p.46.

Tuesday: Test Tomorrow chapters 1 and 2

Wednesday: Measurement worksheets---hand in for a grade

Thursday: No Homework

Friday: No School

Fourth Grade Science (week of 9/17)

???Question of the Week??? How do volcanoes form?

We will be having Centers on Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday.

Tuesday and Wednesday Homework will be turned in fore a grade.

Monday: How Do volcanoes Form Review P.25

Tuesday: WkBk P.139 How do volcanoes form?

Wednesday: Concept Map p.C30 Copy and Complete.

Thursday: No Homework

Friday: No School

Seventh Grade Science (week of 9/17)

Be sure to consider the choices and make your decision about your "Digestive System Project"

Monday: In class p.64 graph---hand in for grade.
Hmwk: Notes and vocab for Final Digestion and Absorption

Tuesday: Hmwk: p.74 Section Assessment 11-17.

Wednesday: Hmwk: p.74 #24-27 ---Hand in for a grade.

Thursday: Begin Performance Assessment: T-shirt, game or book for younger student on the digestive system...Rubric will be given out in/discussed in class.

Friday: No School

PhyChem (week of 9/17)


If you are absent PLEASE make up your missed classwork !
Many students were absent on Wednesday.


Monday: p.534 Understanding Concepts #11, #12, #15---YOU WILL BE HANDING THESE IN FOR A GRADE!

Tuesday: P.524 Thinking Critically #16 write out formula and show work!, #17, #18. YOU WILL BE HANDING THESE IN FOR A GRADE!

Wednesday: P.524 Developing Skills p. 525 #23, #24 YOU WILL BE HANDING THESE IN FOR A GRADE!

Thursday: Wave Posters will be made in class. P.525 Performance Assessment #1

Friday: No School


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Fourth Grade (Week of 9/10)

Earth's Layers

Monday: Homework p.129
Class Center: Chapter organizer and WB 128 Compare and Contrast

Tuesday: Earthquakes C14-5 Highlighted Vocab p.C14 in notebook.
Class Center: WB 133 Cause and Effect

Wednesday: Demonstration Earthquakes WB 130
Class Center: WB 132 Observe and Infer

Thursday: No School A Joyous New Year to you and your families!!!

Friday: No School

Ninth Grade---"PhyChem" (week of 9/10)

Wave study con't

Monday: Discuss the review p.512
Hmwk: Read/Take notes on 18.3 (p.514-515) Answer review #1 and #2
Read Frequency of Sound Waves Lab

Tuesday: Frequency of Sound Wave Lab in class
Hmwk: Read/Take Notes p.516-521 (Be sure to include the vocabulary in bold on p.516.)

Wednesday: Music to your ears Review p.521 #1->#4.

Thursday: A joyous New Year to you and your Families!!! No School

Friday: No School

Seventh Grade Science (week of 9/10)

This short week of school, we will be working on Health and Health Issues with Current Health periodical.

Monday: Current Health: Gut Feeling-"The Digestive System"

Tuesday: Current Health, Continued

Wednesday: Noon Dismissal Joyous New Year to you and your family !!!

Thursday: No School

Friday: No School

Chem (week of 9/10)

Sorry Folks---the promised quiz on Tuesday will not be happening this week due to the 9/11 assembly. Morning class, we will meet as usual and work on "sig figs".

Monday: Accuracy and Precision (#29 and #30) Reviewing previous homework.
Homework : Read the rules for "sig figs". Make notes as needed.

Tuesday: Morning Class: "Sig Figs" #34-36 b and c.
Afternoon class: 9/11 assembly/
Wednesday: Morning Class: Con't "Sig Figs" p.40-42.
Noon Dismissal
Thursday: Joyous New Year to you and your families !!!!
No School
Friday: No school

Monday, September 3, 2007

Chemistry (week of 9/4)

Chapter 2: Data Analysis

Monday: No School Labor Day!!!

Tuesday: Ch. 2-1 Units of Measurements Hmwk p.30 # 5, 6, 10

Wednesday: Ch. 2-2 Scientific Notation Hmwk p.35 #22, 27, 28

Thursday: Ch. 2-3 Reliability Hmwk p. 42 #39, 40, 43

Friday: Ch. 2-4 Representing Data Hmwk p.45 #47, 48, 49

Seventh Grade Science (week of 9/4)

Topic: Grey Area Environmental Study

Monday: No School Labor Day!!

Tuesday: Con't Safety Discussion
Study Acidity in the Grey Area

Wednesday: Acidity study con't

Thursday: Acidity study con't

Friday: Health Current Health (Periodical)

Physical Science

Chapter 18

Monday: No school Labor Day!!!!

Tuesday: Wave mathematics: p. 501 Hmwk: Vocab defintions p.498 in notebook.

Wednesday: The nature of sounds Hmwk: Read/outline (including vocab)p. 502-512. p.512 #1-4.

Thursday: Technology and Sound Hmwk. Vocab p.516

Friday: Music and Sound p.521 #1-4.

4th Grade Science

Question of the Week? What kind and color of creature are you " growing " in the science lab?

Monday: NO School Labor Day :>)!!!!

Tuesday: Layers of the Earth Apple lab with measurements

Wednesday: Earth's Layers Hmwk: p. C-11; # 1-5

Thursday: Earthquakes Hmwk: p. C-17; #1-5

Friday: Health---Looking at our skin