Monday, February 16, 2009

Fifth Grade Science (2/17)

Tuesday ___SuperScience____Seal Sitter to the Rescue/Rescue Raft

Wednesday___SuperScience Mystery

Thursday____SuperScience___Duckie Artic Explorers/Moving Glacier Activity

Seventh Grade Science (weeks of 2/17 and 2/23)

Tuesday____Discsussion of the Nature of Science Buckel Down pp. 6-11
Homework pp.12-14

Wednesday____Review Scienctific Investigations Buckel Down pp.17-21

Thursday_____Health Current Heath

Friday_____Introduce Health Magazine Project

Monday___Plan Health Magazine/ Dispalying Data pp.22-4

Tuesday___ Using What you Know/Flight Experiment pp26-27

Wednesday___ Computer lab Health Magazine work

Thursday___Computer lab Health Magazine work

Friday____Computer lab Health Magazine work
magazine due March 2

Chem (week of 2/17)

Tuesday____no class

Wednesday____ review and regroup Covalent Bonds

Thursday______Chapter 10____review 10.1
`10.2 and 10.3 double block

Friday_____quiz on covalent bonds

AP Bio (week 2/17)

Tuesday---double block---
complete photosynthesis lab
cell respiration lab

Wednesday---no class

Thursday---lab debrief or chapter 20-21

Friday---Chapter 20-24

Monday---quiz on material covered this week

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chem (week of 2/02)

Tuesday---Metalic Bond Lab
typed lab write up due Friday
Hmwk---Read 9.1 and complete Section Assessment p.249

Wednesdsay---Covalent Bonding/Naming Molecules 9.2-9.3---p.248
Hmwk---Section Assessment p.258

Thursday---Molecular Structures 9.4/Building Molecules
Hmwk---Section Assessment p.262

Friday---Electronegativity and Polarity
Hmwk---Section Assessment p.267
typed lab write up due today

AP Bio (week 02/02 and 2/09)

Monday (dbl blk)---Photosynthesis Lab (Be ready to debrief next Tuesday)
Tuesday---Chapter 19 Org and control of eukaryote genomes
Thursday---Chapter 19 con't/Chapter 20 DNA Tech/Genomics
Friday---Chapter 20

Monday---Test Chapter 19/20
Tuesday---Debrief Lab
Wednesday---Chapter 21 Genetic basis of dev.
Thursday---Chapter 22 Darwinian viewpoint
Friday---Chapter 23 Evolution of pop.

Monday---Test Chapters 21-22-23

Science 7 (weeks of 2/02 and 2/9)

Welcome Back to Science!

Monday_Complete plant portion of "Walk through the Kingdom" packets
Tuesday_Complete Energy Transformation in Buckel Down pp.153-157
Wednesday_Using What You Know (activity)/Thinking It Over pp.158-160. Complete Practice Achievement test
Thursday_Current Health
Friday_Classification of Organisms p.92-98. Complete Practice Achievement Test 101.

Monday_Interactions Among Organisms pp.103
Tuesday_Using What You Know/Thinking It Over pp.110-111/practice Achievement Test pp.112-113
Wednesday_Ecosystems pp.114-121
Thursday_Current Health
Friday_ Using What You Know/Thinking It Over 122-113

Monday_Practice Achievement Test pp.124-125
Tuesday_Physical Properties of Matter pp.128-132
Wednesday_Using What You Know/Thinking it Over
Thursday_Current Health
Friday_Practice Achievement Test

Fifth Grade Science (2/2)

Question of the Week? Name 5 outer space topics presented by you classmates.

Monday_ The Sun ---Vocab/Video/Worksheet
Tuesday_Buckel Down---Outer Space pp.102-110
Thursday_Using p.111 What You Know activity

Monday_Review and Achievement Practice Quiz p.114-5
Tuesday_Earth Materials pp.116-119
Wednesday_Using What You know
Thursday_Review and Practice Achievement p.124-5