Sunday, February 1, 2009

Science 7 (weeks of 2/02 and 2/9)

Welcome Back to Science!

Monday_Complete plant portion of "Walk through the Kingdom" packets
Tuesday_Complete Energy Transformation in Buckel Down pp.153-157
Wednesday_Using What You Know (activity)/Thinking It Over pp.158-160. Complete Practice Achievement test
Thursday_Current Health
Friday_Classification of Organisms p.92-98. Complete Practice Achievement Test 101.

Monday_Interactions Among Organisms pp.103
Tuesday_Using What You Know/Thinking It Over pp.110-111/practice Achievement Test pp.112-113
Wednesday_Ecosystems pp.114-121
Thursday_Current Health
Friday_ Using What You Know/Thinking It Over 122-113

Monday_Practice Achievement Test pp.124-125
Tuesday_Physical Properties of Matter pp.128-132
Wednesday_Using What You Know/Thinking it Over
Thursday_Current Health
Friday_Practice Achievement Test

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