Monday, April 27, 2009

Chemistry (week of 4/27)

Last week our class reviewed stoichiometry!
We began our discussion of limiting reactants.
I was gone to a conference, so students worked on the Chapter 12.3 Chapter Assessment
and several limiting reactant problems.

Monday: Review problems p.369
Tuesday: 12.4 Percent Yield p.370-2 practice problems 27,28,29
Wednesday: no class
Thursday: section assessment p.373
Friday: Mole ratio Chem lab 12

Monday: p.383 Standard Test Practice
Tuesday: Test
Wednesday: States of Matter Chapter 13 p.388 1-3
Thursday:Problem solving lab p. 390; partial pressure of gas 4-6; section assessment
Friday: 13.2 Forces of Actraction p.395 #13-16

Monday: 13.3 Liquids and Solids, read/take notes p.403 17-22.
Tuesday: No class
Wednesday: 13.4 Phase Changes, read/take notes p.409 24-27
Thursday: Lab 13---Comparing rates of evaporation pp.410-411
Friday: Standard Test Practice p.417

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