Sunday, December 16, 2007

Chemhemistry (week of 12/17)

Monday: Napoleon's Buttons Presentations (pm)
Ionic Compound Lab (am)

Tuesday: Napoleon;s Button Presentations (am/pm)Con't

Wednesday-Friday: Inconvenient Truth video and discussion


Tsuuretsu Unabara said...

Dr. Balas,
I've been panicking about my section ( Molecules of Witchcraft)
I really, really don't feel comfortable presenting it to the class. Like really, extremely uncomfortable with presenting it to the class. I'm prepared to do so, however, but I really don't think I can.
Miriam Geiger

Unknown said...

Dr. Balas,

I am very comfortable presenting my section to the class. I feel I'm very prepared and have no doubt in my mind that I will blow you away.
Jeremy Schwarz

Unknown said...

I love you a billion times more than Miriam does.
Ben Winter