Sunday, March 16, 2008

Seventh Grade Science (weeks of 3/17 - 3/25- 4/2)

Monday: Current Health

Tuesday: Computer: edhead weather

Wednesday:Video Precipitation

Thursday: weather---demos p.40-1; p.42; p. 56 reading charts---humidity; p. 61 How can you make hail OR Purim Carnival

Friday: Purim
Monday: Current Health

Tuesday: edhead weather

Wednesday: Review (hand in for grade) p.67; p.68 #11,14, 16, 17, 18, 20
applying skills #24-27, p.69

Thursday: Air Masses and fronts

Friday: Storms/Fronts Demos
Monday: Current Health

Tuesday: Computer weather

Wednesday: Tracking a Hurricane (with video)

Thursday: Predicting Weather p.95

Friday: Additional work and review p.99

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