Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chemistry (week of 9/22 and 9/28)

Monday -Test Chapter 2
Hmwk Vocab. define in Notebook; Section Assessment 3.1 p.60 #1-5

Tuesday-Changes in Matter
Hmwk Vocab. define in Notebook; prob. 6, 7. Section Assessment 3.2 p.65 #10-14.

Wednesday-Mixtures of Matter
Vocab.define in Notebook; Section Assessment 3.3 p. 69 #15-19

Thursday-Mini Lab: separating ink dyes p.68
Elements and Compounds
Vocab.define in Notebook; problems #20-22;

Friday-Section Assessment 3.3 p. 69 #15-19

MondayChem Lab p.78 Matter and Chemical Reactions
Individual Write Up due Friday

Wednesday Review Conservation of Matter, Law of Definite Proportions, Law of Multiple Proportion

Thursday - Standard Test Practice

Friday- Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom
Vocab.define in Notebook; Section Assessment 4.1 p. 91

>>>>Monday-Exam Chapter 3!!!!!

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